Prashant Iyengar writes that “life commences with karma” (P. Iyengar, 2013, p. 12). The process of re-birth stems from actions, their effects (karma), and natural causes stemming from the interplay of the three gunas.(Sargeant, 1994). Patanjali examines this subject throughout the yoga sutras and, in the kaivalya pada, details what determines the nature of re-birth, and how it… Continue reading The theory of re-birth according to Patanjali.
Category: Uncategorized
on opposites…
In gratitude for Tiffany Hambley’s post on Prashantji’s teachings. Prashant says, “Imagine a scenario where two mirrors reflect one another. The potential for refraction and reflection is endless. This is quite a different situation, he pointed out, than a wooden yoga brick and a mirror facing one another: in that instance, it can clearly be… Continue reading on opposites…
The Klesas and the feet
This is from a class taught at the Summer Intensive with Jess at Clear Yoga. Who would have thought that “Who am I?” would be the theme for a weekend Yoga Intensive!! It makes sense when we realize that within each asana are tools to allow us to investigate the different parts of our body.… Continue reading The Klesas and the feet
Avidya – ignorance
“We all sense the presence of soul in our origin and our end. Looking at the world around us, we are torn between feelings that “soul cannot be in this” and yet, “if the soul exists at all, it must be in this also”. It’s existence is to be unlimited to our notions of… Continue reading Avidya – ignorance
New beginnings, resolutions, and ahimsa.
The yamas and parighasana Every time I teach parighasana – gate pose. I get confused, bewildered looks from students as the pose moves from what you think it should be to something that you can’t believe BKS Iyengar described and explained in Light on Yoga. Life can be like this. It throws a curveball that… Continue reading New beginnings, resolutions, and ahimsa.
Notes and quotes from various lectures
Geeta on Guruji: December 13th She is tired from teaching for 5 days and giving talks. When the speech is tired, everything is tired; body, mind and breath. My mother and father have guided me throughout. Guruji was a different child. He had a way of looking, observing, watching. Everyone thought his life would be… Continue reading Notes and quotes from various lectures
Celebration days
On Thursday we arrived in our non yoga clothes and were treated to a talk by Geeta which I will write up tomorrow. Then we had a talk by the CEO of Deloitte and Touche – a successful businessman and student of Iyengar Yoga. He talked about how yoga has helped him with his position… Continue reading Celebration days
Prashant’s talk on open mindedness
Guruji said “Iyengar Yoga is for one and all In my case it is me. In your case it is you. But what about the “all” A restaurant has a menu and on the menu are many dishes, and flavors. Some people like some of these, and some do not. What someone likes, you may… Continue reading Prashant’s talk on open mindedness
Geeta’s teaching
Geeta last day: Back bends How important is this body instrument? It seems negligible. Problems can only be in the body. Even a small tilt in the pelvis can lead to heart palpitations as we found out yesterday. How you extend your toes? Where do you place the weight on your outer heels? One… Continue reading Geeta’s teaching
Geeta’s birthday
Geeta birthday notes These are taken after the event and are all from memory. I know they are incomplete. It was very moving to listen to her talk about her father, her mother, and her life. We sang happy birthday to Geeta. Abhi then said to her and to us – “we are going… Continue reading Geeta’s birthday