The niyama of Tapas “ When something or someone is created, produced, emanated, composed, the Vedic texts repeat countless times that this happens through Tapas.” What is tapas? … it is not “ the Christianizing translations of asceticism, penance, mortification…tapas it is a very particular exercise that implies the development of heat.  Tapas is akin… Continue reading TAPAS

The Atman (true self)

The Atman (Self) (Notes from Ardor by Roberto Calloso) “ From the Rg veda to the Bhagavad Gita a way of reasoning is developed that never acknowledges a single subject but rather presupposes  a dual subject.  This is because the constitution of the mind is dual: consisting of a gaze that perceives (eats) the world… Continue reading The Atman (true self)

Manas – the mind

Manas – the mind Notes and quotes taken from Ardor, by Roberto Calasso A history of the Vedic people The vedic understanding of manas is “ mind thought”, the pure fact of being conscious.  Mind is the only element from which there is no way out.  Whatever happens or has happened, Mind was already there… Continue reading Manas – the mind

Guru Purnima 2023

Prashant Iyengar’s address at RIMYI July 3 2023 on the occassion of Guru Purnima. These are my notes are taken from his lecture. ANy mistakes and misunderstandings are mine. We have gathered here for guru purnima. Guru is not a teacher.  We can be mistaken about this these days. Guru is an institution and a… Continue reading Guru Purnima 2023

Part 2: readings from the retreat (Menla 2023)Kriya Yoga: Svadhyaha

Svadhyaya is self study, self reflection, contemplation. ” Patanjali asks the spiritual aspirant to begin thinking for him/herself.” (Rohit Mehta: Yoga, the Art of Integration) ” Svadhyaha or self-knowledge, is difficult. We so much associate knowledge with the acquisition of learning. In reality, svadhyaha, whether through study, or self-analysis, is the path of concentration (dharana),… Continue reading Part 2: readings from the retreat (Menla 2023)Kriya Yoga: Svadhyaha

Readings from Menla Retreat, April 2023

Our habits are called samskaras. Habits are behavioural patterns that take place physically, mentally, emotionally. They accrue through living – stored in the memories of our cells. Every experience leaves a samskara. Our samskaras can be helpful – aklista, or harmful – klista. Our klista samskaras increase “exponentially” (Prashant Iyengar), and our aklista samskaras increase… Continue reading Readings from Menla Retreat, April 2023


A summary of my notes taken from a lecture given by Prashant Iyengar in June 2020 Our senses cannot be understood mechanically.  We cannot have a mechanical view of our senses.  How our eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin function depend not just on the external object but on our subjective understanding. A camera will pick… Continue reading Pratyahara

Klesa and Karma

To live  demands that we make decisions on how to act, and what to do. B. K. S. Iyengar asks, “How does a freeman act, and yet remain free?” (B. K. S. Iyengar, 2005, p. 238).  Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras seek to answer this question by exploring the “Klesas” (afflictions) which are the motivations that drive our… Continue reading Klesa and Karma