The practice of teaching

Certification in Iyengar Yoga is managed through the Iyengar Yoga national Association of the United States and involves assessment of teaching skills, demonstrated practice skills, written understanding of philosophy, anatomy, sequencing, basic therapeutics and pranayama.

Due to the changes in the Iyengar Yoga Certification as directed by RIYMI in Pune, India, Jessica will take on a few students going up for certification as a mentorship. The role of the mentor is to get to know your practice, to guide, steer and train your teaching to a level required to become a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. This means that, as a mentee:

  1. You take Jessica’s classes weekly and retreats and workshops.
  2. Attend “continuing education” sessions with Jessica.

Continuing Education Thursdays from 3-4.30pm. Cost $22.

These are held online. Sign up is through momoyoga. Recordings are available with sign up.

November 21st

December 19th – cancelled.

January 16th

February 13th

Continuing education sessions help to:

  • improve your teaching skills.
  • understand the difference between movement and placement, and basic actions of the pose.
  • apply modifications for certain injuries or other conditions.
  • teach your peers and receive feedback on your teaching.

“Teaching is a difficult art, but it is the best service you can do for humanity”. BKS Iyengar.

Email Jess at with questions.

Why get certified as an Iyengar Yoga teacher?

By beginning this journey, you are joining an extensive lineage , beginning with BKS Iyengar, of not only teaching, but of being open to learning and understanding what it is to be a human being.

The teachings of BKS Iyengar are an invitation into the deepest understanding of the self. Certification in this methodology offers a means towards “ knowledge’ and an opportunity to bring your students along this path.

The process towards Iyengar Yoga certification is, as such, an intensely personal journey. There will be moments where you run up against yourself: anxieties, fears, prejudices and of course, your hopes and aspirations. It will be a mirror for you to work. It is only through this level of deep self examination that we are able to teach.

It is not designed for those who would like to deepen their yoga practice or for those not planning on beginning the path to Introductory certification.

Requirements while on the program

  • To teach and practice in the Iyengar method.
  • To attend minimally 1 class a week with Jessica. It is recommended in the Certification manual to take one class at your level of practice and a second at the level of certification you are going up for.
  • To attend workshops offered at Clear Yoga.
  • To attend the Intensives/retreats held by Jessica.